Scattering At Sea

Many consider scattering ashes to be more natural and it gives us a sense of freedom and oneness with nature. This is probably why outdoor settings of natural beauty are often desired. The sea has been a favorite, keeping in mind the concept that all life began in the sea. It is the sea in which we came, and eventually, life flows back to the sea. Many see scattering ashes at sea as the fastest route to the greatest dispersal. If to have cremation ashes scattered far and wide is the goal, then the sea is appropriate.

Our Own Boat
We perform the scattering at sea in our own boat. We will not hand them over to a third party company for scattering. The scattering will take place within 30 days off the coast of Orange or Los Angeles County. The location will depend on weather conditions.
At the conclusion we will mail you a signed frame worthy certificate with the exact location of the scattering along with other pertinent information.

Pricing: $99
Nonwitnessed Scattering at Sea - $99.00
Witnessed Scattering at Sea - Not offered
We only perform nonwitness scattering at sea. It is also referred to as unwitnessed or no witness scattering at sea. As the words imply, they mean that we take the ashes and scatter them ourselves with no family or friends aboard the boat to witness the scattering. A frameable signed certificate will then be mailed to you with details about the scattering.